Set in a whimsical world with both human and animal friends,this debut graphic novel series is about besties who make craftsmistakesand friendships. Eight-year-old Evelyn is beyond excited to enter her town’s annual art show! She joins two of her friends with a plan to submit a group projectbut Dylan and Avery (a playful and imaginative skunk kit) start butting heads early on in the creative process. When Evelyn tries to diffuse the tensionboth friends end up angry at her and the group splits apart. What will this mean for their art–andmore importantlyfor their friendships? The first book in the new graphic novel series for young readersEvelyn and Avery is all about navigating friendship and emotionsfostering different kinds of creativityand forgiveness. Set in a world with both human and animal charactersthe series is both relatable and whimsical.