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The Saint of Bright Doors


Vajra Chandrasekera

1 in stock

SKU: 9781250847386 Book Condition: New Notes: Remainder Categories: ,

The Saint of Bright Doors sets divine assassins against transcendent cults,devils and anti-gods against militias and mundane disappointmentsresulting in a novel that is revelatory and resonant. Nestled at the head of a supercontinentframed by sky and sealies Luriatthe city of bright doors. The doors are everywhere in the citysquatting in walls where they don’t belongpainted in vivid warning. They watch over a city of art and avariceof plagues and pogromsand silently refuse to open. No one knows what lies beyond thembut everyone has their own theory and their own relationship to the doors. Researchers perform tests and take sampleswhile supplicants offer fruit and flowers and hold prayer circles. Many fear the doors as the source of hauntings from unspeakable realms. To a rare unchosen fewthoughthe doors are both a calling and a bane. Fetter is one of those few. When Fetter was bornhis mother tore his shadow from him. She raised him as a weapon to kill his sainted father and destroy the religion rising up in his sacred footsteps. Now Fetter is unchosenlapsed in his devotion to both his parents. He casts no shadowis untethered by gravityand sees devils and antigods everywhere he goes. With no path to followFetter would like to be anything but himself. Does his answer wait on the other side of one of Luriat’s bright doors?

The Saint of Bright Doors


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