NEWBERY MEDAL WINNER ΓÇó #1 NEW YORK TIMES BESTSELLER An enthralling novel for all ages by award-winning author Dave Eggers,told from the perspective of one uniquely endearing dogΓÇöfeaturing beautiful artwork from Caldecott honoree Shawn Harris. ΓÇ£Johannes is a highly engaging narrator whose exuberance and good nature run like a bright thread through the novelΓÇÖs pages.ΓÇ¥ ΓÇöThe New York Times Johannesa free doglives in an urban park by the sea. His job is to be the EyesΓÇöto see everything that happens within the park and report back to the parkΓÇÖs eldersthree ancient Bison. His friendsΓÇöa seagulla raccoona squirreland a pelicanΓÇöwork with him as the Assistant Eyesobserving the humans and other animals who share the park and making sure the Equilibrium is in balance. But changes are afoot. More humans arrive in the park. A new buildingcontaining mysterious and hypnotic rectanglesgoes up. And then there are the goatsΓÇöan actual boatload of goatsΓÇöwho appearalong with a shocking revelation that changes JohannesΓÇÖs view of the world. Lushly illustrated with old world paintings and new artwork from Caldecott honoree Shawn Harristhis story about friendshipbeautyliberation (and running veryvery fast)will make readers of all ages see the world around them in a wholly new way.