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Repeat After Me (Deluxe Limited Edition)


Jessica Warman

6 in stock

SKU: 9781649375384 Book Condition: New Categories: , ,

She’s about to have a serious temporal tantrum.

In retrospect, I probably should have passed on the ceviche.

It was already a weird Friday. My class is stuck on this bizarre remote island for our senior trip, I’m pretty sure Mr. D (“call me Max”) is hiding something from us, my ex-best friend turned biggest tormentor keeps stealing my candy, and tonight’s plan to finally ”do the deed” with my boyfriend is not going exactly as planned.

I mean, ceviche is delicious, don’t get me wrong. But a dish made from a supposedly immortal octopus should really come with a warning label.

Caution: the ludicrously fresh, delicious snack you’re about to enjoy may result in immortality, no consequences to any actions, and getting stuck in a time loop for all of eternity.

Now every morning I wake up, and it’s the same Friday all over again. Same annoying classmates. Same weird-ass island. Same outrageous candy theft. The only person I can count on to keep me from losing my grip on this new reality is Louis, my best friend, who knows me better than anyone else in this world.

This should be a cephalopod-induced nightmare, but somehow—in some ridiculous way—I feel like I’m experiencing the extraordinary. But then every morning when I wake up and it’s Friday again, I wonder if there’s any hope of ever going home, or will I be living this same day forever?

They say some things are worse than death…

…guess I’m about to find out.

Repeat After Me (Deluxe Limited Edition)


6 in stock

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