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A Day on Fluffyville Farm


Britta Teckentrup

1 in stock

SKU: 9783791375915 Book Condition: New Category:

A very exciting look and find book for the youngest by Britta Teckentrup On seven giant double-page spreads,children enjoy a day on the farm and discover everything that happens there from morning to night. And again they are also on the trail of Bob Badgerthe king of burglars. Through the whole day with the Hopper children! Many stories happen on the farm in a single long day: the children will never tire of tracking them down and playing on. At half past five in the morningthe sun has just risenthe Hopper family still sleeps while the farmer repairs the tractor already. At nine the cows are milkedat afternoon the children have fun in the pool and when the sun is going down everybody gathers for dinner in the garden. On seven huge double-page spreadsthe children see everything that happens on the farm on a sunny summer day. And on every spread they will spot Bob Badgerthe thief and pickpocketuntil he is fortunately caught by the police!

A Day on Fluffyville Farm


1 in stock

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