Discover a playful new take on Middle Eastern cuisine with more than 100 fresh,flavorful recipes from the contagiously charming chef and food personality Eden Grinshpan Having grown up in a bigboisterous Israeli familyeverything happened at Eden’s family’s dinner table–singinglaughingcryingscreamingdancing–we’re talking complete mishigastotal mashuggs. Her travels to Israel fundamentally changed the way she cooked and nowwith an Israeli family of her ownher cooking is all about these beloved bold ingredientsmade easy and accessible for real life–no long shopping lists or silverware required. Healthyfunand playfulthe dishes here are full of vibrant flavors and contrasting texturesbursting with vegetables and spices reflecting Eden’s laid-back but thoughtful approach. Eden’s cooking style is perfect for anyone who relishes the casual spirit of digging in with their hands while appreciating the elevated elegance of colorfulfreshfamily-style dishes. Eating Out Loud takes readers on a journey through a whirlwind of exciting flavorsmixing and matching simpletraditional ingredients in fresh ways like Lamb Shakshuka with Lemony YogurtTahini-Chocolate Babka BunsHoney-Roasted Parsnips with Dates and Tzatzikiand Chermoula Pork Chops with Charred Shallots. Along with her gorgeous recipesshe includes a list of essentials to transform your pantry so you can elevate even the simplest dish. When you look around the table and see your guests double-dippingeating with their handsand letting looseyou’ll know it’s been a successful night. That’s the spirit Eden fell in love with while living in Israeland it’s at the heart of Eating Out Loud.