One of Real Simple’s Best Books of 2018 Liam Jones was the love of Juliet’s life. He was her brother’s best friend,then her best friendthen the father of her little boy. In those shining weeks after Zac was bornshe had never been happier and neither had Liam. And then one nightLiam disappeared without a trace. Ten-year-old Zac Hutchinson collects facts: octopuses have three heartsUsain Bolt is the fastest man on earth. But no one will tell him what happened to his father and where he went. When Julietinadvertently admits that his father is the only man she’s ever lovedZac decides he is going to find him and deliver his mom the happily ever after she deserves. But Liam left for a reasonand as Zac searches for clues of his fatherJuliet begins to rebuild what shattered so many years ago. An unforgettableheart-stopping story of the secrets we keep and of love in all of its many forms.