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Reginald W. Neale

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SKU: BR028 Book Condition: good Categories: ,

Early Macedon’s shops,streetsand people come to life in this selection of photographs from the town’s historianthe Macedon Historical Societyand private collections. Macedonians have been at the center of important national social issues for most of the town’s historyas when individuals from Macedon signed the Declaration of Sentiments in Seneca Falls that led to women’s right to vote. In the late 1800sthe village of Macedon was a manufacturing center for agricultural equipment. The Bickford & Huffman Companyknown locally as the Drill Workswas a major local employerand the Erie Canalbuilt in the 1820shad an enormous influence on the growth and history of the town. Macedon’s agricultural machinery and produce were shipped all over the nation from its busy terminal on the canal. Macedon Academy was founded in 1841 and served the surrounding area for 50 years. Its outstanding curriculum and reputation brought in students from a wide area. The building still standsand today it is the home of the Macedon Historical Society. Macedon shows how far the town has come and celebrates its rich history.



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